Get Moving for Mental Health in May! #MoveinMay
This May, Heart of England Mencap are encouraging movement, and we want our staff and customers to ‘move’ for their mental health.
Being physically active is great for our bodies and our minds.
Exercise is a natural and effective anti-anxiety treatment. It relieves tension and stress, boosts physical and mental energy.
Better physical health can lead to better mental health. Exercise can help your mental health by increasing your levels of motivation, distracting you from worrying thoughts, and improving self-confidence. It can even help you sleep better.
Exercise has been proven to reduce anxiety and depression, and it can help us to prevent physical illnesses.
Despite the evidence that keeping physically active can promote good mental health, there are barriers preventing us from being more active.
Mental Health Awareness week from 13-19th May 2024 is focusing on Movement for your well-being and to improve mental health.
Movement doesn’t need to look like going to the gym, it can be as simple as getting off the bus a stop early, having a walking meeting, pushing your child on a swing, dancing in your kitchen while you cook dinner.
Be creative about the way you move and be proud of yourself!
What can you do?
Get out and about and get moving in May! Share a photo of yourself and use the hashtag #MoveinMay!
Our wonderful partners Pink Connect are sponsoring our initiative to Move for Mental Health in May. Get out and about with friends, family or with customers and get moving!
We can’t wait to see your photos!
On Thursday 16th May from 11 am - 12 pm, you are invited to join us at Stratford Rec for a #MoveinMay walk. This will be at the same location as Cyc-ability (Parkrun Building), which customers can still take part in, but in addition to this, we will be hosting a walk to get our steps in and #MoveinMay. Working towards improving our mental and physical health.
See you there!
Here’s Connagh Aspinall with volunteers Derek (left) and Rod (right) making the most of our free Cyc-Ability session in Stratford!
Map for the #MoveinMay walk…