Harvesting skills down on the farm

Over the past 12 months, we have built a great relationship with the team at The Apple Farm in Snitterfield, enabling really valuable opportunities for the people we support to volunteer and gain confidence and skills through our work experience programme.

"Being able to support an activity that is community-led and that embraces people with all abilities is a wonderful achievement for us all," says Kate Buttrick, our Health & Wellbeing Programme Manager.

“It helps us to take positive steps forward to help build a society that is more inclusive, caring and accepting of others with a disability. It's been a delight to watch our customers from different services take part in this programme and to see them develop skills that will help build confidence and demonstrate to others in our community what can be achieved when barriers and assumptions are removed."

Marie, a Team Leader from our Fordsfield service said customers looked forward to going to the farm on a Monday:

"Being out in the fresh air in a calm environment surrounded by trees and animals has a positive impact on wellbeing. It is extremely challenging to find work experience placements for customers with complex needs, and it's great having the opportunity to do work experience in an inclusive space. For some it will enhance the skills they already have and for others it's the opportunity to learn new skills."

Jon, a Support Worker at Fordsfield, added: "Today was the largest group – seven staff and seven customers. It’s so good to go out in a big group like that, as it’s something we rarely do. The fact that we are going somewhere that is so beautiful and away from crowds makes it a really pleasurable experience for everyone. It’s also very satisfying to see customers getting involved in the work - they all have a go!"

For more information on getting involved, please email kbuttrick@heartofenglandmencap.org.uk 


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