The Importance of Accessing Respite & Short Break Services.
Jon’s Story
Mental Health First Aid Updates
Get Moving for Mental Health in May! #MoveinMay
Mental Health First Aid Updates
Di’s Story
Connaghs Story
Pathway Bonfire Party!
Gearing up for more new bikes!
There will be even more opportunities for people of all abilities to saddle up in Stratford, thanks to funding from Sport England.
On the Pathway to a fulfilling future
More freedom to get outdoors and be part of the community – two of the driving forces behind a big move to a new base for Pathway in Warwick.
Get on Board!
We’re a Host Board for Boardroom Apprentice UK - come and Get on Board!
Harvesting skills down on the farm
Heart of England Mencap enables volunteer opportunities for local people with learning disabilities
Marketing a difference!
Heart of England Mencap has been privileged to welcome another intern from the University of Warwick to the team this summer.
Pathway celebrates 10 years!
The vision was to set up a ‘day centre without walls’ – a place where local people with learning disabilities could be as much a part of the community as anyone else.
Cyc-Ability pedals to success
All abilities came together to celebrate as the Queen’s Baton Relay made its way through Stratford, with an accessible cycling session pedalling to success.
Huge congratulations to the winners of our first 'Give a Heart' awards!
Huge congratulations to the winners of our first 'Give a Heart' awards!
Become a Trustee!
We're looking for new Trustees to further strengthen our Board - if you are looking for an opportunity to really make an impact, we would love to hear from you!
We welcome ALL skills - whether that's charity, corporate or real life.
You don't need to arrive with experience - what's really important is your passion to support us and make a difference.
Give a Heart!
It's time to Give a Heart with our new staff appreciation initiative!
A beacon for social change
Heart of England Mencap is at the centre of a major new national project with an ambitious vision; to make the UK the best place for people with a learning disability to live a happy, healthy life.